Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!

DiMono @DiMono

Age 44, Male

Website Developer

Toronto, Ontario

Joined on 9/8/04

Exp Points:
11,032 / 11,370
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.35 votes
Sup. Commander
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Latest News


Hi everyone! I haven't been around much lately, but I used to be super active on here. You don't get to be a Sup. Commander with a Deity whistle by accident, after all.

I'd like to introduce you all to something I've been spending my time on recently: writing and sudoku. Which is technically two things, but I have managed to smash them together in a unique way that nobody's ever done before. It's basically a National Treasure-style adventure told in second-person, so instead of "he does this" it's "you do this", which makes the reader the protagonist. Whenever the Protagonist encounters a puzzle to solve, the reader has to solve a puzzle to gain access to the next part of the adventure. It's incredibly immersive in that way. I call it an Adventure Hunt.

After the first one was well received by fans of Cracking The Cryptic, I ran a Kickstarter campaign to continue the story, which was also successful. After that campaign concluded, I created a website so that anyone who missed the campaign can still contribute and get the same rewards. As it stands, the unlocked rewards are:

  1. A bonus sudoku hunt, which is a series of connected sudokus - released
  2. The first Adventure Hunt, The Jewels Of Osiris (based on Egyptian mythology), revised and updated
  3. The campaign Adventure Hunt, The Tidings Of Minos (based on Greek mythology)
  4. A bonus puzzle hunt, which is a series of connected puzzles
  5. A third Adventure Hunt (details not released yet)

If you think this is something that might be of interest to you, or if you just like a good story and solving puzzles, please do check out the project's website dimono.ca and consider backing the project and joining the community. I'm very excited about where this is all going, and I hope some of you will join me on this journey.



Recent Game Medals

118,580 Points

YIIKing Out 5 Points

Viewed every submission in the YIIKmas 2021 Art Collab

A Very Merry YIIKmas 5 Points

Merry YIIKmas!

Crackfic Addict 5 Points

Read the YIIKmas 2021 Collab Crackfic

20 Levels 50 Points

Complete 20 levels.

16 Levels 25 Points

Complete 16 levels.

12 Levels 25 Points

Complete 12 levels.

8 Levels 10 Points

Complete 8 levels.

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

Badge Not Found 50 Points

Complete Level 404

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Latest Art

Latest Shared Creations

Medal Fodder

Added to skins for Skincraft Jun 6, 2011.


Added to custom levels for Line Runner 2 Mar 5, 2011.

Hey, how's it going?

Added to levels for Madness: Premeditation Sep 28, 2010.

Claudette Made Easy

Added to levels for Madness: Premeditation Sep 28, 2010.

6 Grenades for Tricky

Added to levels for Madness: Premeditation Sep 28, 2010.


Added to levels for EON Feb 24, 2010.