Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!

DiMono @DiMono

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Pirate Golf Adventure gameplay walkthrough

Posted by DiMono - September 12th, 2009

Medal Walkthrough Table of Contents


This is a second walkthrough for Pirate Golf Adventure. Wylina has an excellent walkthrough over here with all kinds of detail about the medals that I'm not going to go in to here. There's also a solution for the course there.

So why am I doing this walkthrough? Well, basically I sat down tonight specifically to get this medal, and forgetting to see if there was already a walkthrough I took a lot of time to figure out the easiest reproducible way to do each hole so I could refer back to it during gameplay. Some of my strategies are different, hence the guide. Shall we begin?


Hole 1, 1 shot: aim over the center of the third coin, with the bottom of the hand 3 pixels above the crossbeam in the windmill. The bottom of the hand should be centred over the coin, not the finger. You'll know if you get this one right because you'll either collect 5 or 6 coins; if you get 7, you're going to miss.

Hole 2, 1 shot: over the tentacle, full power. Everything's always moving on this level, so aim just to the right of the tentacle's leftmost reach and wait for it to be about half receded, and you should pick up 3 or 4 coins along the way. This is anything but a precision hole, so don't even worry about it.

Hole 3, 2-3 shots: Aim above the second coin (finger centred) with the bottom of the hand against it, and you'll knock the boulder over and then bounce up in the air. You'll land softly in the cave and start rolling to the right. Halfway between the first colour change in the rock below you and the jagged edge, start charging a full power shot through the hole. If you bounce way up in the air, you're probably going to sink in 2. On a miss, you'll still be within easy range, so just tap in for 3.

Hole 4, 2 shots: Aim over the second coin to knock down the scaffolding and get rid of the crocodile, and let the ball settle in the little divot. Then line up the thumb of your hand cursor with the corner of the rock, a full handwidth away and give it full power. After you bounce off the right hand wall on your second shot it will look like you're going too far left, but don't worry, that landing area is wider than you think it is.

Hole 5, 2-3 shots: Aim for the bottom left corner of the hanging platform to knock the tree down, and you'll land between its stump and the tree to the left. Wait for the ball to roll all the way to the left of its landing area, then aim for the right corner of the cloud and let it rip. If the ball doesn't make it to the left for your second shot, tap it there for 3 shots on the hole.

Hole 6, 2 shots: aim for the left side of the first sunbeam, horizontally in line with the right edge of the cloud. This will land you on the whale's tongue, and you'll be able to see the blowhole as the ball slowly rolls up the tongue. While near the top of the tongue, shoot through the blowhole, judging required strength and angle on the fly. Some skill is required here; this is the hardest hole to get right, but landing on the tongue rather than taking a shot while bouncing makes it easier.

At this point, you may still have 15 shots left, which is PLENTY, believe me; the last two holes combined can be completed in 7 with a bit of practice (and 5 with a lot of practice).

Hole 7, minimum 3, realistically 4-7 shots: nudge forward, then when near the lava, fire full force against the right hand wall to bounce up on the cliff on the left. If you don't catch the windmill on your second shot, time a third shot to catch it (may require a fourth). The ball will roll all the way to the right after the windmill, then back to the left. It will make it all the way to the left if you catch a windmill blade that does NOT have the diagonal rope at the end. If it doesn't get all the way to the left, nudge it over there. When it reaches the left side, fire full force through the hole. On an unlucky bounce at the top, another shot may be required to nudge it in to the hole.

(Author's note: I caught the windmill in 4 on the correct blade, but had some terrible luck going through the hole and required 8 shots on the hole. I still finished with 21 shots and almost 300,000 points. My point is not to panic if you miss a few shots on these last two holes, because you have tons of them to work with)

Hole 8, minimum 2, realistically 3-4 shots: Immediately aim with full force for the left side of the bottom part of the peg, and after knocking it loose the ball should roll slightly up the hill to the left, then out to the right. Once it's clear of the rocky outcropping above it, shoot straight up with full force, then give a light guiding shot once it passes the top branch toward the hole. If you aim slightly to the right rather than straight up, you may land the hole in 2 if you time it right, but if you miss then you'll bounce back down and have to shoot up again. If you land between the hole and the bird, give a little nudge up-left and it should pop right in.

Total: 17-23 shots, or 15 if you land the optimal solutions for 7 and 8. Happy shooting!

Pirate Golf Adventure gameplay walkthrough


Good walkthrough, but literally useless considering there's already a video walkthrough.. but good dedication! :D

Thanks man!

Excellent walkthrough, pixel perfect!