Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!

DiMono @DiMono

Age 44, Male

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Toronto, Ontario

Joined on 9/8/04

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Primary Medal Walkthrough

Posted by DiMono - February 19th, 2010

Back to Walkthrough Table of Contents


The idea behind this wonderful platformer is that you can take on any of the three primary colours of light (red, blue, yellow), and each of these has its own unique talents:

Blue can make ice cubes. These can be used to hold down buttons, and you can jump on them to reach a little higher when you jump. At the start of the game they vanish when you change colour or drop a new cube, but on level 18 you gain an upgrade that lets them stick around when you change colours. They also melt over time, so when they're holding down a button you may need to be a little quick. Drop a cube by pressing the spacebar.

Red can shoot fire, which kills enemies. Enemies drop orbs, which give you points if you collect them. Shoot fire by pressing the spacebar. On level 26 you gain the Fire Boost (flame/super jump), which lets you jump higher when you're red by holding the shift key. If you're using Windows, make sure you turn off sticky keys before playing, or you may have problems.

Yellow can turn intangible and invisible by pressing S. While intangible you cannot be hurt, but you also can't do anything until you return to normal. You need to move around via moving floors and sliding on slipper platforms when in this state. At level 11 you gain teleport portals, which allow you to drop two portals using the spacebar, and then use R to teleport between them. The third portal you drop will replace the first, the fourth will replace the second, etc. Checkpoints are also gained while yellow.

General Tips:
This is a game with a realtime game timer, but the gameplay itself is dependant on the speed of your computer and the quality setting you're playing on. If it's choppy or slow, drop down to Low quality, and you may want to do that for any time trial attempts anyway just in case. Be patient, and remember that you're here playing a game to have fun; if it stops being fun, go do something else for a bit.

Of note is that the time the game spends loading a level is included in your total time spent on it, as well as your time exiting through the elevator at the end, so if you have a slow computer you may end up starting some of the longer levels with as much as 30 seconds or more already used up. This is obviously no good for time trials, so you'll have to do them on another computer if you do them.

Bubbles and Crayons:
These are the two things in the game that give you points. Bubbles show up when you kill a monster, and you collect them by bumping into them. They are each worth 5 points, and several will show up at a time. Crayons are hidden on every non-boss level (all but 10, 20 and 30), and are each worth 50 points. All crayons can be retrieved without dying, and you can kill the same enemies over and over again to accumulate points via bubbles. Crayons may only be collected once.

Beating the Bosses (Void Overlord):
The three boss fights are all the same, except for the surroundings. There are three puddles of spikes the Void Overlord can emerge from, and you need to be near it in order to defeat it. On level 10, there are coloured platforms and open doors you can use to get back and forth between the puddles. On level 20 the doors go away, and on level 30 the platforms are gone too.

To defeat the boss, wait for the blue target to show up and put an icecube there. Then back away to the other side of the safe floor. The Void Overlord will strike the icecube, and be briefly stunned. When this happens, switch to red and hit it with flame. You must do this 3 times on each boss level to beat the Void Overlord. If he shows up and no target appears, or if only an appendage appears, switch to yellow and go intangible until it's safe.

Medals: (500pts)
Blackout (10pts) - Kill 50 enemies. You'll get this through regular gameplay.

Can't Keep A Good Man Down (10pts) - Die 25 times and keep right on playing cause you are a trooper! Odds are you'll get this through regular gameplay too, but if you somehow finish the game without it just go kill yourself a bunch of times.

Color Blind (10pts) - Change colors 100 times. You'll get this through regular gameplay.

Level 09 Time Trial (10pts) - Beat Level 9 in 45 seconds or less. Not hard to do, just play quickly. All time trial medals are easier once you have flame jump, and detailed methods for using flame jump to get these medals are below.

Level 15 Time Trial (10pts) - Beat Level 15 in 1 minute 30 seconds or less. See above.

Level 25 Time Trial (10pts) - Beat Level 25 in 2 minutes or less. This one's much harder, because the level is so big. It is the only medal I can't get on my work computer, because the game runs too slowly. All time trial medals are easier once you have flame jump, and using the method below I got very close even with my laggy computer.

Dedication (25pts) - Play the game for an hour. You'll get this through regular gameplay.

Jacksmacked (25pts) - Defeat the final boss in the game without dieing during the fight. Once you've beaten him in levels 10 and 20, this medal is almost trivial. Just do what I outlined above in the Boss Fights section and you'll get this.

Like A Boss (25pts) - Beat the Void Overlord the first time. See above.

Spread The Word (25pts) - Use the Facebook link to become a fan of Jacksmack.com. When playing a level, there's that status bar across the bottom of the screen. Click on the F toward the bottom left corner.

Super Hueman (25pts) - Finish level 25 without dieing once. There's no time limit on this, so just practice the level and play it carefully. I got this on my third runthrough of the level. The method outlined below will work for this medal as well, but the shortcuts aren't necessary and it can be done without flame jumping.

Upgrade Complete (25pts) - Collect all upgrades. You'll get this on level 26 as you collect that last upgrade.

Walking Tall (25pts) - Take 1000 steps in the game. You'll get this through regular gameplay.

Hue Orb Collector (50pts) - Earn 5000 points. If you don't get this through regular gameplay, just go back to level 6 and kill things a few times. Just remember to collect those orbs!

Primary Objective (100pts) - Complete the game the first time. I think this one's pretty self explanatory.

Where's My Coloring Book? (100pts) - Collect all 27 crayons. There's one on each non-boss level, and they appear in order. To see which ones you have, enter a level and go to the menu, and click on the Crayons button. They appear in your crayon box in order, so if you're missing some you can figure out which ones by counting how far in they are. Just remember to skip 10 20 and 30 when counting, or you'll throw yourself off.

Secret Medal 1 (5pts) - It's a secret! You can't do this until roughly the last third of the game.

Secret Medal 2 (10pts) - It's a secret! You can do this at almost any time.

Time Trials with Flame Jump:
All of the time trial medals are easier to attain if you have flame jump from level 26. Below is what I believe to be the fastest method for finishing each of the time trial levels, to help you get these medals.

Level 9 fast with flame jump:
Run left and flame jump to first platform. Turn yellow and go invisible while sliding to get through the lasers. Once you're on the moving platform, turn visible again, take some steps (every little bit helps), and turn invisible again to get through the last laser. Flame jump to the little square, then flame jump to the slick platform and use your yellow invisibility to get through it (but not too fast or you'll slide off the end). Jump to the blue platform, drop some ice and jump between the vortexes. You are now on the small standable area next to the lasers. Drop an ice cube at the edge, flame jump up to grab on to the second platform, hold shift to power jump up to the wall on your right, then jump up on top of it next to the lasers. Flame jump up to the platform above you (killing the Stalker when appropriate), and run for the door. Go through, and then go through the elevator door.

Level 15 fast with flame jump:
Part 1: Run right and drop the ice cube, then without jumping on the ice, flame jump up to the blue platform and make your way up the corridor. When you reach the top, run to the right and flame jump up the wall to the middle platform, then flame jump up to the landing on the right and kill the Mega-Stalker, and drop a portal. Flame jump up and cling to the wall on the right, then jump onto the platform on your left, then flame jump up to the switch and hit it. Drop your other portal and go through to get back down to the landing, and normal jump to the middle bit, then normal jump to the left, and wall jump to the landing next to the black spikey. From there, flame jump to the landing above you.

Part 2: Claim your checkpoint, then wall jump up the left side to the narrow platforms. When you're hanging on the platform on the left, you can jump to get directly to the right hand one, and flame jump up to start your wall jump ascent up the right side. When you're either hanging on the ledge of the landing at the top or standing on it, flame/power jump up to the blue platform, drop some ice, jump to the first red platform, then flame jump to the landing on the right. Turn yellow and go invisible to slide through, and after you fall down, flame jump up the left side and grab the ledge, then power jump up to the next ledge, then flame jump up the wall and you'll be at the top. Now it's time to drop down the middle to get to the elevator. Be red down the middle, then yellow down the right, then drop down and exit.

Level 25 fast with flame jump:
Part 1 (Fastest route): Jump to the next platform and kill the Stalker, then drop down to the right down to the button and kill the Buzzer on your way down. Drop some ice on the button, then flame jump to where you just came down from, then flame jump up to the platform above you and make your way to the door on the left. This is the optimal route for speed, but there is a slight risk of getting hit by thrown blackness from the Mega-Stalker on the next platform over.

Part 1 (Safer, slightly slower): Run to the edge, put some ice down, jump on the ice, jump to the platform on the second level and drop a portal. Drop off the right side to bottom (stay to left to avoid getting hit), place your other portal, put some ice on the button, portal back up, and jump to door. This avoids all the enemies, and while it's slightly less optimal for speed, there is zero chance of getting killed by the Mega-Stalker on the second platform.

Part 2: Run to the right, skip the first lever, hit the second. Stay on the second lever's platform and turn around and from the left side of the platform you're on, flame jump up to the platform above you, staying against it for the wall jump. Leave that lever alone and jump to the left, hit that lever, then proceed to the door.

Part 3: Jump to the red platform, and jump to blue. Put some ice, jump on the ice, and flame jump to the third blue platform. Put some ice down, jump on the ice, and flame jump to the blue platform. Put ice on the left side of that platform, jump on the ice, flame jump to the vertical beam, then flame jump again to the moving floor on the right. From the right side of that moving floor, flame jump up to the stationary platform to your right (you cannot grab the ledge of a moving floor), and hop up. Congratulations, you just skipped most of the level. Run over to the checkpoint and grab it (just in case) and drop a portal, then return to the stationary platform. Flame jump up to the yellow platform, then make your way up to the door as per usual and drop your portal. Go through the portal, jump to the blue platform, drop some ice, then instead of using the wall, flame jump straight to the platform. Drop ice on the button, turn yellow and walk off to the right, falling straight down, and go through your portal. Turn blue, and just run to the right; no need to jump or use the wall. Exit to the elevator.

Walkthrough Videos:
The game's creators saw fit to include an in-game link to walkthrough videos, to help everyone finish each level if they're having difficulty. These videos are embedded below.

Levels 1-10

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Levels 11-20 part 1

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Levels 11-20 part 2

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Levels 21-25 part 1

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Levels 21-25 part 2

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Levels 26-28

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Levels 29-30

/* */

Primary Medal Walkthrough


y'wanna maybe submit this to wylina so she can provide a link to it on her main page? i just now found it after searching for one for a week javascript:NewsPosts.GetPost(440164).

I think you need to edit something

Oops sorry that comment was an accident!