Total Medals Earned: 5,066 (From
618 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 118,580 Points
Find the Culprit
I'm not at Liberty! Are YOU?
That's all you need to know!
What a Horrible Voice
Defeat Banglaboy96
Beat Tails
Defeat Hansel's first form (both arms)
Defeat Hansel's tentacled form
Defeat Hansel's U.F.O. form.
Defeat Hansel's brain.
Fall into the lava (alternate ending)
Grab Tankman's hand and helicopter away to safety.
Why? Why?
Catch a wild UBERKID.
Some Unicorns just lost their dignity you know.
You're the inspiration.
Those old folks deserve some love and affection.
Win the game!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Get a score of 0 in the first level, maybe you need a bit of practice
Enter in the office and start the real game
Read the instructions
Look at the small art gallery at the end of the game
Complete the first level
Complete the second level
Controls the medals you can unlock in this game
Complete the third level
Get a score of 325 in the first level
Complete the game!
I love this game so I want to play again
Watch 5 minutes the credits
Get a score of 0 in the second level, ok I think that this game is not for you, stop play immediately!
Get a score of 730 in the second level
Get a score of 197 wrong notes in the third and final level, if you still 0 stop playing this game and go away to buy a sandwich!!
Get a score of 860 in the third level, this could be quite difficult
Wait 3600 seconds in the main menu, what?, maybe there's a trick!
Use all your skills to get this medal, you will need patience and calm, NOTE: if you press tab or cheats you can not unlock this medal forever!
The moonlight lights up the galaxy
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Beat Pico's challenge on easy mode.
Beat Darnell's challenge on easy mode.
Beat Pico's challenge on hard mode.
Beat Darnell's challenge on hard mode.
You can do better than that.....
That's more like it!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Well aren't you a fucking hero?!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Find all the differences in the "An Unexpected Find" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "Born to Crawl" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "Dreams Come True" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "From Heaven to Earth" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "Good bye, Farm" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "High Flight" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "Home, Sweet Home" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "Parachuter" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "Piglet's Dreams" picture in the hard mode
Find all the differences in the "While Saddling a Duck" picture in the hard mode
Complete the game in easy mode
Complete the game in medium mode
Complete the game in hard mode
Beat the game.
Read all the signs.
Get all the coins.
Kill all the enemies.
Don't take damage.
pass the game using not more than 75 shots
complete the game
pass the game using not more than 35 shots
find secret room
get to the girl without hurting the crocodile
pass the game using not more than 50 shots
collect all coins
pass the game using not more than 25 shots
earn more than 250000
You died 10 times
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!