for conveniences sake, if you avoid doing any combos with the first 30 enemies, you can use your score to count the number of kills you've gotten for the medal. Each enemy is 10 points, so once you get EXACTLY 300, get hit.
Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!
Age 44, Male
Website Developer
Toronto, Ontario
Joined on 9/8/04
for conveniences sake, if you avoid doing any combos with the first 30 enemies, you can use your score to count the number of kills you've gotten for the medal. Each enemy is 10 points, so once you get EXACTLY 300, get hit.
I wanted to say something like that, but it was really late and I couldn't figure out a good way to do so. Then I forgot. Thanks, I'll add it and credit you.
does the USA medal require at MOST 3 nukes with 2 of them used?
double whammy is rather easy to get with the 2nd boss: He launches missiles on each of his sides. when the boss is very close to death, just take one side and attract it to the other.
I have a problem with the kill 1000 enemies medal, I completed the game without dying but didn't get the medal
Yeah for some reason I can't get that combo achievement. I tried the score counting thing, didn't work, then I tried actually counting each and every ship. Didn't work...
Any other tips on getting the 10+ combo medal? I'm having trouble with that, along with the sidekick medal (which does appear to be luck-based)
Nukes do NOT stock. I have tried it a few times and proved you can only have one at a time. If you use just one the rest you collected, are gone for good. You better use it because the nukes can destroy powerups when they are on the screen.
Hey I found a fantastic way to get the "My Ears! (5pts) - Have an attraction beam live for 15+ seconds." medal. If you get two or more spikes on your planet in a V shape, use an attraction beam to pull something very slow moving towards the first spike. Then as it comes near, attract it to the second spike of the V making a triangle. If you balance the attraction beams correctly then because whatever you have attracted is slow moving it wont be able to break free from either beam and it wont be able to force its way towards your planet. Best done at the end of a level when you wont be getting power ups and you have cleared most of the enemies from the screen.
How many waves where there again? It does not say.
With That's No Moon, my spike boss kept moving toward me. No new round was starting. In desperation, I atracted it toward me, and it killed me. Can you surive turning a boss into a spike?
I have two questions about the combo breaker medal:
1.) Do the first two ships that you destroy to start the game count?
2.) When you get hit by an enemy to end the combo does the enemy that hit you count towards your 30 kills?
Yes the first two count.
The enemy that hits you must come AFTER the 30 kills, not be part of them. It would be number 31, unless you're hit by a missile in which case it would count as ...a missile.