Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!

DiMono @DiMono

Age 44, Male

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Applez Medal Walkthrough

Posted by DiMono - December 1st, 2009

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Applez (14 medals, 360 points)

The levels in this game are all pretty straightforward, though some are challenging, so since people have been requesting it here's how to beat each one:

Level 1: Just run to the right and jump in appropriate places, and you'll get the flag.

Level 2: In order to get those platforms at the start to activate you need to hit the button, and you need to be fat for the button to work. Go to the right and you'll find an apple. Jump up to it and eat it, then walk back to the button. When it activates, puke and jump up to the flag.

Level 3: Go to the right and jump on the cat (it will hurt you if you just run into it) and then continue right and you'll see a blue bouncepad. Jump on it while moving left and you'll land on a platform with an apple. Eat the apple and then walk off to the right and you'll land back on the bouncepad. Keep holding right and you'll be launched up to the platform with the button. Step on it, puke, then move to the right to the flag.

Level 4: Avoid the axe and get past the cat to claim the apple. On the way back, while fat, you'll have to walk off to the left and bounce on the bouncepad, then land on the cat, then land on the other bouncepad. To time this right, wait until the cat is moving left and is at least halfway past the green bush. Keep holding left and you'll get to the other side. Avoid the axe again and hit the button, then puke and go up. Here you need to avoid a spinning blade. Jump over it as it's heading toward you, then go right and hop up to the platform for the apple. After you eat it wait for the blade to pass you heading to the right, then walk off to the left and keep going until you hit the button. Puke and jump up to the flag. Note that the spinning blade moves faster than you do while fat, so move at your first opportunity.

Level 5: Bounce across on the blue cats (there are spikes beneath them) and make your way up the floating platforms. You will need all the platforms provided, so make your way up all the way to the right before going left, and make sure to time your jumps. When you get to the top, eat the apple and go left past the logs (carefully), get the block and push it back the way you came. It will fall in the gap and allow you to reach the button. Keep moving right to get to the flag.

Level 6: Jump down the gap between the spikes and move right. Jump up to the next level, then dodge the axes as you jump up to the top-right platform for the apple. Wait for the axe to be out of the way and walk off the platform to the right to fall back down, and then push the block to the left until it falls down the gap. Follow it down and hit the button. Puke and move to the right until you see the axe. Jump on the axe's platform, then when it's out of the way jump off to the right. Keep going right and you'll see some platforms going up next to logs that come out of the side of the cliff. Go up the platforms to get your apple, then come back down and hit the button. Puke, then go back across to the first apple and eat it again. Hop off to the right and move right to get the second block, then push it back to the left just like you did with the first one. Once it falls into place, puke and jump up to the left to get to the flag.

Level 7: Move right and jump on the platform, which will move to the right. When it's directly over the platform that will move up, jump on the vertical platform. You may need to jump over the sideways moving one as they pass. Jump off as soon as you're within range of the next platform, as there are spikes above you. Move right to the platform that lowers, and watch for a sideways moving platform which will be to the right a little. Use it to get past the logs, jumping when necessary to avoid them, and after the 4 logs jump up the platforms on the right. Move past the axe and go up the next set of platforms (avoiding the log). Now you'll have to get past two spinning blades and two axes all at once. It's possible but the timing is a little crazy. To get through unscathed, follow a spinning blade toward the axes, and look at the timing on the first axe. If it's on its way down as you approach, jump over it and immediately jump on the axe platform to the right. Then time your jumps to get up to the apple. Go up to the apple and get it, then walk off to the left and make your way back down to the floor below you. Move right and keep holding right as you fall, and you'll land on a platform with a button (if you push the block down first it will give you a little extra leeway). Puke after hitting the button, and move back to the left. When returning to the left, there is a break in the middle of the ceiling spikes. Take advantage of it to stomp the cat; DO NOT try to do it at the rightmost end, you will lose at least one health by doing so. Go back up to the platform with the axe and move to the right, you'll go over a bridge that's now in place and jump to the flag.

Level 8: Walk off to the right and when you land, wait. A platform will come at you from the right, jump over it and then move right until you're under an opening. Wait again, jump over the next platform then keep going right until you fall in the hole. When the platform passes, jump out and move right and scale the platforms to get to the top. Get on the platform that moves left and right toward the spikes, and time your jump off so that you land on the platform that will drop, but be sure to jump right off that platform or it will take you down to be skewered. Now you need to jump on platforms while a machine pushes some at you from the right. Jump to two platforms then wait for it to throw one at you, then jump over it while moving to the next platform, jump over one more, and that should put you at the one that takes you down. Jump off it before it hits bottom, avoid getting pushed, and head up to the apple. Eat it and walk off to the right to land on the platform that will rise you up. When it's past the bouncepad walk off to the left, and the bouncepad will launch you on to the bridge so you can hit the button. Approach the button slowly, and when you hit it the bridge will actually raise you up with it. Puke and jump to the flag.

Level 9: The roof comes down on this level. Take advantage of the rest spot you encounter early on; there's no time limit. Eat the apple as soon as you come to it and then keep walking right as quickly as you can and be safe; it's all about speed here because you have a long way to go before that roof comes back down again. If you see the spinning blade coming at you, don't panic, just wait it out. Remember to spit out the apple as soon as you hit the button, then run back to the left before the ceiling comes down on you. Once at the bottom, move left, and you'll need to ride the wrecking balls up to the higher platform in order to unlock the last platforms to finish the level. Get to the platform that houses the upper ball, jump on it to the left and jump off and you'll get to the level you need to be at. Avoid the axe as you get the apple, then walk off to the right to fall back to land. To avoid getting hit by the logs coming out of the ground, start moving over them a little before they're all the way in the ground and you'll be past them before they come back up. Move left to the button, puke then move back right and fall to the lower level. Time your jumps and move left to claim your flag.

Level 10: Get past the axe, and when you jump off its platform keep holding right and you'll be bounced past the spikes. Land on the first available platform, then time the rising spikes and the axe so that you can make your way to the axe's platform. From there, you're going to jump on the blue cat and keep holding right, to bounce onto another platform in front of rising spikes. Wait until the spikes moving sideways are moving right and have passed the cat before making your move here, and you'll be able to avoid them. Jump up the platforms to the higher level, then use the wrecking ball to jump on its own platform, then use it again to get to the apple. Walk off to the left and just keep going until you reach the button, then puke and go back right. Be fearless, you'll land on a platform. After you've eaten the first apple and pressed the first button, you'll come across a wrecking ball and a platform to its right. In order to get to that platform you need to ride the wrecking ball all the way over the top, and then jump off to the right and land on the platform. Make your way up past the axes and use the bouncepad to jump you onto the last one's platform. Jump off to the right and you'll fall down to a new level with an apple. Eat it and walk to the right. You'll come across a staircase with an axe patrolling it. Go down the staircase as quickly as you can (4 steps right, 4 steps left) and bounce into the button overhead. You can get hit by the axe here, so time your bounce carefully. Puke on the way down, then jump into the overhead platform and follow the arrows and move left to claim your flag.

Boss Level: Walk to the right to activate the boss. Once you've done that he'll fire missiles at you to avoid for the entire duration of the level. Go back to the left and make your way up the platforms to the top. When jumping on the first platform, time your jump based on the missile, not the axe; you have leeway with the axe's rotational speed, but the missiles come steadily. Eat the apple, then walk off to the right to drop down to the next level. Move left (the axe WILL hit you, so make sure it only hits you once) to hit the button, then puke and go back up to get the apple again. This time walk off to the left, and then move right until you fall in the hole onto the second button. Puke and go back up to the apple, then walk off to the right and the bouncepad will launch you over the now lowered block. Move right to the third and final button to defeat the cat god, then keep going right to throw up on the princess and win the game.

If anyone has a playthrough video of this game, let me know and I'll include it in this guide.

Things You Should Know:

When you hit a button, it stays active when you die. The easiest place to get in trouble with this one is level 9, where you don't have to get the first apple again if you hit the button because your escape route is already open, and will actually block your way when fat. If you lose your last life, the level resets to its original state.

Hit detection is a little bit wonky. There will be times when you're hit by something that should have missed you. All I can say is to give yourself a little extra room when dodging.

You can stand on platforms with axes and not get hurt by them. Same goes for not getting pushed by wrecking balls when you stand right on them. Note that the first axe you encounter in the game is actually set further below the surface than most, so in that case you cannot stand above it and wait for it to go by; it will hurt you because it's further away.

You cannot take damage while eating an apple. This is especially useful on the boss level.

Medals (14 medals worth 360pts):

Aversion To Death (5 pts): Finish an easy level without dying. You'll get this on the first level as long as you don't walk off the map

Dog Person (5 pts): Stomp a cat. You'll get this on the third level.

Obey Gravity, It's The Law (5pts): Attempt to double jump. You'll get this one by accident within the first couple levels, because the game registers held-down jump buttons as two jump attempts.

Really A Dog Person (5pts): Stomp a cat while fat. You'll get this on level 4, because you need to stomp a cat while fat in order to get back to the button.

Brutal Takedown (10pts): Mid-air axe death. Get hit by an axe while you're in the air and have no health left. Lots of chances to do this.

Like A Chubby Vampire (10pts): Death by spikes when fat. Again, lots of chances to do this. My favourite is on level 7, where you can do it from a high altitude for extra impact force.

Skilled At Not Dying (10pts): Complete a hard level without dying. The first hard level is 6, and it's also the easiest. However, if you get the Untouchable medal at the same time this one won't register, so be sure to take some damage first, or else play the game twice to get both.

Slow And Steady (10pts): Get to the flag when fat. Your first chance to do this is on level 5, just don't throw up after hitting the button.

Jump, Magic Jump (25pts): Find and use the golden bounce pad. On level 10, immediately walk to the left just off the platform. It's at the bottom and will bounce you back to your starting position.

Untouchable (25pts): Complete a hard level without taking damage. Any level from 6 forward will do. 6 is probably the easiest to do this on, but you may want to take damage on 6 and get this on 7, or play the game twice and do both on 6, because if you get this at the same time as Skilled At Not Dying you won't get Skilled At Not Dying on your NG account.

Curious (50pts): Find a secret area. There are three, listed here thanks to DigDogy with a bit of further specification on the third one by me:

On level 5, after you've gotten fat drop back down to the ground and wait on the edge of the spike pit for the bouncy cat. The cat will come toward you until his feet reach the last spike, and then turn around. Be patient and time it so you walk onto his head right as he reaches the end, and bounce back to the left where you started and hit the button that's there, and the platforms will activate. Go up to the top and claim your free life.

On level 7, after you've gotten fat walk to the right and you'll fall down on a button. Puke, then go back to the left and go up to get the apple again. Walk off to the right again and you'll land on a bridge. To your left is a box, push it off the right side of the bridge and drop down. Push the button and claim your free life.

On level 10, after you bounce off the cat there will be a vertically moving platform with upward-pointing spikes on it. When it's at the top, drop down below it and you'll find an opening in the ground. Go through the opening and claim your free life. Walk to the left and you'll find an apple, a button to open the door, and the golden bounce pad to get you back to the start of the level.

Godslayer (50pts): Defeat the cat god. Basically, just pass every level as outlined at the top of this guide.

Royal Rainbow (50pts): Vomit on the princess. Pretty simple, just don't puke after hitting the third button on the boss level.

Collector (100pts): Find all secret areas. See those three I listed above? Hit them all.

And that's it for Applez.

Applez Medal Walkthrough


Any way to time landing on the cat in Level 5 to get the secret area? I've tried it like 10 times and most times the cat isn't even on screen.

I've updated the guide with a more surefire way to get to that secret area.

i cant get collector i got the first secret area for level five and it worked but then when i did level 7 and 10 it didnt work i remembered i didnt finish the level for 7 and 10 so i went back and got the secret and finished the level for 10 and 7 but still no collector why?

I don't understand. I can't find anything in the ground on level 10 in the secret area just spikes.

Tip for finding secert areas... I think you need to find thhem in this order 5,7,10. First i got 10, then 5, and then 7. But it didnt give me the medal. After i went threw them again in the right order onad got them.