Deploy the... I think it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... WHOOSH!

DiMono @DiMono

Age 44, Male

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Tetraform Walkthrough

Posted by DiMono - December 17th, 2009

Medal Game Table of Contents

Tetraform is a new game from Glaiel-Gamer. You play it by attracting ships to each other in order to blow them up. What follows are some general tips, followed by advice on getting each individual medal.

The game runs in waves. Sometimes you will have power-ups offered to you between waves (i.e. after the first wave you get a bunch of health, after the third wave you get a spike, before bosses you get a bunch of health and a nuke, etc). Wave advancement is based on time passed, not on how much of the previous wave has been dispatched. You can attract anything to anything else, including power-ups to ships and anything to your planet.

When a ship is destroyed by crashing it into another ship, the resulting explosion is attracted to your planet to help terraform it. As your planet continues to grow you will first see dirt appear, then grass, then some trees, clouds, an ozone layer, and finally some higher level clouds.

When two items are being attracted to each other and another is very near one of them, that other item will fall under the same attraction beam. This is used to generate combos. When two objects (ships, missiles, Doomsday Devices) explode, anything caught in the middle also takes damage from the explosion.

Pressing F puts you in fullscreen mode. There are two benefits to fullscreen mode:

1) No chance of clicking outside the game window
2) The game runs more smoothly

Unfortunately, users with Radeon graphics cards sometimes have problems with Flash running in fullscreen, so if you have a Radeon card make sure your drivers and your Flash version are both fully up to date, and close everything else before hiting F just in case.

The Power-Ups
There are three:

1) Health. Blue circle with a cross in it. Use this to terraform your planet. Drawing one toward an enemy will heal it.
2) Nukes. Red circle with a radiation symbol in it. Use this to blow up every enemy on screen except bosses, and all unclaimed power-ups. You will not get experience or growth from enemies destroyed in this way. There is a short time delay between activating the nuke and having it go off. Nukes can be stockpiled.
3) Spikes. Purple circle with a spiky ball in it. Think of them as decoys you can draw other ships toward as a last resort. You may have up to 5 of them on your planet. You can also attract them to enemy ships to turn them into spikes themselves. When an enemy is spiked, it moves slower and has more hit points. A spiked boss cannot be destroyed. Spiking a spike does nothing.

The Enemies
Smaller enemies move faster, and larger enemies move slower. Some of them fire missiles, others launch Doomsday Devices that release several missiles at once when the timer runs out. In general, they will either circle your planet, or approach it directly. It will become obvious as you play which types of enemies do what. The thing to watch out for is when you're being swarmed, because it's easy to lose track of which enemies are where and end up taking lots of damage. To prevent this, you should use a nuke when there are too many enemies to keep track of.

There are some special enemies and effects to watch out for as well:
- The purple spheres get jittery, which makes them hard to target. Try to get them early.
- There are blue ships late in the game that can turn invisible. They are still targetable, you just can't always see them.
- When an enemy that fires missiles is attracted to another enemy, its missiles will also be attracted to that enemy.
- When an enemy is destroyed while attracted to another enemy, the other enemy will maintain its momentum but be free from any attraction beam. This means if it happens to be directed at your planet, it's probably going to hit it.

- Make sure you don't attract two ships from opposite sides of your planet, or they will likely both hit your planet instead of destructing on each other.
- Try to crash enemies into identical counterparts (i.e. crash a Destroyer into a Destroyer, etc) so that they immediately kill each other. This will make your life easier in the longrun.
- When a ship launches a missile or Doomsday Device, attract it back to the ship that launched it.
- It's efficient to destroy ships with those that are close to them, but it's not always the best idea as it could leave you with two ships on opposite sides of your planet as the last two in the wave. Don't be afraid to let the wave develop before making your decisions.

The Bosses
- The first boss is very straightforward: wait for him to launch his 7 missiles, then direct them back at him one by one. Missiles travel in circles, so just keep your cool and all will be well. To avoid having any straggling missiles, make sure you attract missiles to each other 3 or 4 times. This is because if you don't, the boss will be destroyed with an odd number of missiles left on screen, and you won't be able to get rid of all of them.
- The second boss cannot be targeted directly, but you can attract his projectiles to each other on top of him and he'll get caught in the explosion and take damage. One of his projectiles is a very large missile, so make sure you attract it to something. I like waiting for the first pair of normal missiles, selecting the one from that pair which is closest to my planet, then waiting for the big one and attracting them together. Usually works pretty well.
- The third boss is only really a threat because of how randomly it moves, sometimes launching Doomsday Devices (he's your first encounter with them, incidentally) from off-screen where you can't do anything about them. You'll need to pay attention to him and be quick and nimble. He will also dart in and destroy your spikes without taking damage himself, which is annoying.
- The final boss is kind of erratic, moving randomly, teleporting, changing size, and being able to absorb a tremendous amount of damage, which means if he hits one of your spikes your spike will die. He launches Doomsday Devices and sometimes teleports away right afterward, so if you can't attract them to him be sure to attract them to each other.

The Medals: 15 Medals, 405 Points
My Ears! (5pts) - Have an attraction beam live for 15+ seconds. The easiest way to do this is to spike a boss (earning the 100pt medal below), and then attract the boss to your planet. The other way it might be done is to attract two Destroyers from opposite sides of the map first to smaller ships that are further toward the edges of the screen, thus pointing them away from each other, and then attract them to each other. They will then have to turn around before approaching each other, which may make the beam last long enough to get the medal.

Straggler (5pts) - Beat the game with one missile still left on the screen. This involves letting a Doomsday Device go off near the end of the final boss fight, and using its missiles to destroy him rather than the Doomsday Devices themselves. It takes a bit of patience and a lot of balls.

Hiroshima (10pts) - Nuke more than 20 enemies at once. Just let a bunch of the small quick enemies build up, and then hit the button. There are a few waves with large amounts of small quick enemies, so just wait for one of those levels and let her fly.

You're A Winner! (10pts) - Beat the game. As soon as the final boss dies, you get this medal.

Al Gore Would Be Proud (25pts) - Get a full planet. Minimize damage, claim all health bonuses, and watch your planet grow. If you take little enough damage, you'll get this a wave or two before facing the final boss.

C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker! (25pts) - Get hit after destroying exactly 30 enemies without getting hit. The fastest and easiest way to get this one is to do it from the very start. Destroy the first 30 ships, and then wait. Note that you will take massive amounts of damage from doing it this way, so you may want to start a new game after getting it. If you do it this way, you can use your score as an indicator of when to get hit, since each of the first 30 ships are worth 10 points; when you're at 300, it's time to take one in the face. It's easiest to do this if you only crash two ships at a time, with no combos. (last tip courtesy OneRedMage)

C-C-C-C-Combo! (25pts) - Get a chain of 10+. This is done on the second level with the grey ships that launch doomsday devices. When there are a bunch on the screen, near each other, let them all launch their devices. Pick out a device and a ship, such that the attraction beam will have to go through other ships/devices to reach between them. Select the ship, then as soon as the device triggers select one of the missiles. Everything will be attracted to each other, and you should get the medal.

Double Whammy (25pts) - Get a multiplier on a boss. This happens when the last hit on the boss happens to have come while more than one missile was attracted to it. Depends largely on luck, or else fantastic strategy.

Humanitarian (25pts) - Heal an enemy ship. Simply attract a health power-up to an enemy ship.

Sidekick (25pts) - Have a spike at the end of the game. Since the final boss destroys spikes instantly upon contacting them, this one depends largely on luck.

USA! USA! (25pts) - Beat the game using exactly 2 nukes and have ones leftover at the end. Just stockpile them and try to resist the urge to use them. Make sure you collect at least 3 and use exactly 2.

Use The Force! (25pts) - Kill 1000 enemies. If you beat the game without dying, you will get this medal.

You're a Real Winner (25pts) - Beat the game without continuing. You have to continue when you die. So don't die.

Pentaforce (50pts) - Get 5 spikes on the planet at once. Play quickly, and play well. The spikes will accumulate over time. When you need to crash a ship into a spike, keep track of which ones have taken how much damage and be sure to spread it around. You will get 6 spike power-ups offered to you, so you are allowed to lose one, but no more.

That's No Moon (100pts) - Convert a boss into a spike. Easiest way to do this is to leave that first spike you're offered out there until the first boss shows up after wave 5, and then drag it to the boss. Note that the spike power-up will be affected by attraction beams, so going for this medal means you have to change your playstyle to not attract any ships on that side of your planet within range of the power-up.

If there's anything I missed, or anything that needs updating, let me know and I'll add it and credit you.

Tetraform Walkthrough


I have two questions about the combo breaker medal:

1.) Do the first two ships that you destroy to start the game count?

2.) When you get hit by an enemy to end the combo does the enemy that hit you count towards your 30 kills?

Yes the first two count.

The enemy that hits you must come AFTER the 30 kills, not be part of them. It would be number 31, unless you're hit by a missile in which case it would count as ...a missile.

for conveniences sake, if you avoid doing any combos with the first 30 enemies, you can use your score to count the number of kills you've gotten for the medal. Each enemy is 10 points, so once you get EXACTLY 300, get hit.

I wanted to say something like that, but it was really late and I couldn't figure out a good way to do so. Then I forgot. Thanks, I'll add it and credit you.

does the USA medal require at MOST 3 nukes with 2 of them used?

double whammy is rather easy to get with the 2nd boss: He launches missiles on each of his sides. when the boss is very close to death, just take one side and attract it to the other.

I have a problem with the kill 1000 enemies medal, I completed the game without dying but didn't get the medal

Yeah for some reason I can't get that combo achievement. I tried the score counting thing, didn't work, then I tried actually counting each and every ship. Didn't work...

Any other tips on getting the 10+ combo medal? I'm having trouble with that, along with the sidekick medal (which does appear to be luck-based)

Nukes do NOT stock. I have tried it a few times and proved you can only have one at a time. If you use just one the rest you collected, are gone for good. You better use it because the nukes can destroy powerups when they are on the screen.

Hey I found a fantastic way to get the "My Ears! (5pts) - Have an attraction beam live for 15+ seconds." medal. If you get two or more spikes on your planet in a V shape, use an attraction beam to pull something very slow moving towards the first spike. Then as it comes near, attract it to the second spike of the V making a triangle. If you balance the attraction beams correctly then because whatever you have attracted is slow moving it wont be able to break free from either beam and it wont be able to force its way towards your planet. Best done at the end of a level when you wont be getting power ups and you have cleared most of the enemies from the screen.

How many waves where there again? It does not say.

With That's No Moon, my spike boss kept moving toward me. No new round was starting. In desperation, I atracted it toward me, and it killed me. Can you surive turning a boss into a spike?