Wylina's Medal Game Table of Contents
Hippolyta is the retelling of the Amazon Hippolyta's escape from the Aztecs. You play Hippolyta, racing from left to right on your horse.
In the default controls, W is to jump, A is to block, S is to duck, and D is to accelerate forward. Accelerating makes the level go by faster, and allows you to outrun riders in either story mode. It also makes it easier to clear obstacles, because the duration with which you're passing them is shorter but the amount of time you can remain ducked or airborne remains the same. The space bar is to throw a spear.
How long you hold the key determines how long you hold its action, with the exception of the space bar. After throwing a spear you need to take out another one, so take that into account when timing your actions; you may want to let up on the D key when you see a farmer in the way. When jumping, it is more important to time the landing than the jump, because it takes time to throw a spear; two jumps followed by a farmer can be fatal.
You don't need sound to play the game, but you're hamstringing yourself needlessly if you don't have it on, as it gives cues for when each enemy is approaching. If you're playing the game strictly for medals, you probably want to find a slower computer which will run the game more slowly but smoothly, as it will give you more time to react. My home computer plays the game full speed, and I could never finish level 5 or go more than 2 minutes in survival or 45 seconds in pursuit, but when I got to my office where the computer is slower I was able to finish Hardcore mode on my first try. Of note when using a slower computer is that the game is timed internally, so if you're running the game at half speed, it will take twice as long to accomplish anything.
Armor looks nice, but it takes away the nakedness and doesn't impact gameplay at all. If you want to create savepoints in the game so you can do things like buy all the armor for the medal, and then go back to not having any so you can still see a naked woman on your screen, the .sol file is final1.sol and is in the main uploads.ungrounded.net directory, rather than in one of the numbered subdirectories.
Unlocking game modes and armor takes Amazon Points (AP), and AP are earned through playing the game. Each category of achievement has 5 levels for a total of 15 points (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Each piece of armor takes 10 AP (70 in total), and each game mode takes 40 AP (200 in total). IMPORTANT: When playing Survival and Pursuit modes, any jumps, dodges, kills, etc that you attain are not counted toward your in-game totals, only the amount of time you spent in that level run, so unlocking all quantity-based achievements must be done in either story mode. The exception to this is dodging Rider attacks, which registers as normal in Pursuit mode.
As of the time of this writing, the "finish level quickly" achievements are bugged so that you can only get credit for them if you have died on that level in the current playthrough. This obviously makes 28 of the 30 achievements for finishing hardcore levels quickly unattainable.
The achievement categories are:
Category (1pt, 2pt, 3pt, 4pt, 5pt)
Fail (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Kill farmers (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Jump hoplites (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Block duelists (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Outrun riders (1, 5, 10, 20, 50)
Block volleys of arrows (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Dodge volleys of arrows (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Jump small ground obstacles (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Jump medium ground obstacles (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Jump large ground obstacles (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Dodge small high obstacles (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Dodge medium high obstacles (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Dodge large high obstacles (1, 5, 20, 50, 100)
Dodge rider attacks (1, 5, 10, 20, 50)
Finish (level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, story mode)
Finish quickly 1 (level 1 in 0:46, level 2 in 1:03, level 3 in 2:15, level 4 in 3:23, level 5 in 5:00)
Finish quickly 2 (level 1 in 0:41, level 2 in 0:56, level 3 in 2:01, level 4 in 3:01, level 5 in 4:28)
Hardcore Story
Finish (level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, story mode)
Finish Hardcore quickly (13:20, 12:50, 12:20, 11:50, 11:20)
Finish quickly 1 (level 1 in 0:46, level 2 in 1:03, level 3 in 2:15, level 4 in 3:23, level 5 in 5:00)
Finish quickly 2 (level 1 in 0:41, level 2 in 0:56, level 3 in 2:01, level 4 in 3:01, level 5 in 4:28)
Survive (0:30, 1:00, 2:30, 5:00, 10:00)
Survive (0:30, 1:00, 2:30, 5:00, 10:00)
23 categories x 15 points = 345 total available AP
There are six game modes in total, and four single-player game modes that will earn you medals from playing them, so this guide will only address the four single-player modes. They are:
1) Story Mode
2) Hardcore Story Mode
3) Survival Mode
4) Pursuit Mode
Story Mode and Hardcore Story Mode
These modes are identical, except you're not allowed to die in Hardcore Mode, so they will be addressed at the same time. Their "finish the level quickly" in-game achievements are also separate, and the medals for finishing each one are worth different amounts.
There are 5 levels in Story Mode, and each level gets progressively longer and harder. At the end of each level is a longer jump than the rest, which you must speed up for. This will be alerted by Hippolyta announcing it, so don't worry about missing it.
In level 1 you have just broken out of the barn, and you will be faced with small ground obstacles, small high obstacles, and farmers.
In level 2 you have all of the above, plus medium ground obstacles, medium high obstacles, and hoplites.
In level 3 you have all of the above, plus large ground obstacles, large high obstacles, and arrows from the front.
In level 4 you have all of the above, plus duelists and arrows from behind.
In level 5 you have all of the above, plus riders.
Between levels the narrator will say some things about what the Aztec reaction is, which will give you a chance to rest your weary fingers. Finishing Story or Hardcore modes are the only ways to see the closing credits or the end of the storyline. If you leave in the middle of a Story Mode game, you can continue at a later time.
Survival Mode
Survival Mode is basically an endless level 4, which turns into an endless level 5 at about the 2:20 mark.
Pursuit Mode
Pursuit Mode is basically an endless level 2 in which you are constantly being pursued, and if you take your finger off the charge ahead button you will have to deal with the rider's relentless attacks as well as the enemies and obstacles.
Farmers: They stand there with pitchforks, and will spear you with them if you reach them. To kill them, throw your spear at them. However, do not throw your spear before they're on the screen, or it will miss and you'll die while reloading.
Farmers yell:
Stay back!
Stay away!
Stop! Stop!
You're dead slave.
Where are you going?
Hoplites: They kneel behind shields, and will spear you if you try to run through them. Throwing a spear just embeds it in their shield, and you will still die. To kill them, jump over them.
Hoplites yell:
I'm ready!
It ends now!
See you in hell!
Honor and glory!
Come on then!
Arrows from the front: You will hear arrows being loosed from the right speaker, Hippolyta will yell, and then some time will pass, and then you'll see the first of the arrows come hurtling across the screen at you from the right. There may be another obstacle or enemy that reaches you before the arrows, so be on your toes. To block the arrows, press back.
Hippolyta will yell:
Watch out!
Duelists: They come charging at you, and you must react quickly or they will stab you. Block them by pressing back and they will pass you harmlessly.
Duelists yell:
It's you and me!
Prepare yourself!
Get ready!
Arrows from behind: You will hear arrows being loosed from the left speaker, Hippolyta will yell, and then some time will pass, and then you'll see the first of the arrows come hurtling across the screen at you from the left. There may be another obstacle or enemy that reaches you before the arrows, so be on your toes. To dodge the arrows, duck.
Hippolyta will yell:
Arrows, from behind!
Archers behind us!
Watch your back!
Riders: They will chase you down from behind, and when they are in range they will try to stab you with their spear. You can duck to evade their spear, or you can charge forward to outrun them. They will not be outrun until they've been off the screen to the left for quite a while. When outrunning them they will make miscellaneous rider sounds to indicate that they're still there.
Riders must jump over obstacles and duck under tents and branches just like you do, but they don't have to deal with any enemies. this is important if you're going after the medal for dodging 10 of their attacks, because you can't dodge the rider and block arrows at the same time, so it will take some dedicated attention to manage the timing on this. They also are not restricted by the same pacing of obstacles and other enemies, and can attack off-beat.
Riders yell:
Come here!
You can't escape!
Slow down!
I'll get you!
You're mine!
When Riders are gone, Hippolyta will say:
He's gone.
Okay, we can slow down.
Small Ground Obstacles: A simple jump will get over these. They take the form of a small section of angled wood spikes, a small cluster of rocks, or a single log across your path.
Small High Obstacles: A simple duck will get under these. They take the form of a branch with pink leaves coming down across your path, and until you know what you're looking for they can sometimes blend in with the background, so be on the lookout for them.
Medium Ground Obstacles: A simple jump will get over these, but better to hold it for a bit to make sure. They take the form of a double-size section of angled wood spikes, a larger cluster of rocks, or a rectangular bunch of wood stacked across your path.
Medium High Obstacles: A simple duck will get under these, but better to hold it for a bit to make sure. They take the form of a blue and white tent with a peak in the middle.
Large Ground Obstacles: You must hold the jump key for the entire duration to get over these. They take the form of a larger flat bundle of wood, a single giant rock, or an even bigger bed of wood spikes.
Large High Obstacles: You must hold the duck key for the entire duration to get under these. They take the form of long yellow and red tents with flat yellow tops.
Big Jump: Each level in Story or Hardcore Modes ends with a larger jump, which will either be a pit with spikes or a cart with stuff in it. This is the only obstacle Hippolyta talks about, and to get over it you must be charging forward and hold the jump key for as long as possible once you're in the air.
Hippolyta says:
Faster, big jump ahead
Speed up for a big jump
Faster, we're not gonna make this jump
Medals (20 medals, 500pts):
All medals are entirely self explanatory, and all they take is time playing the game, so I will not add anything to the medal description as it is not necessary.
Epic Fail (5): Fail 20 times
Farm Massacre (5): Kill 20 farmers
Medium Dodger (5): Dodge 20 medium high obstacles
Medium Jumper (5): Jump 20 medium ground obstacles
Small Dodger (5): Dodge 20 small high obstacles
Small Jumper (5): Jump 20 small ground obstacles
Large Dodger (10): Dodge 20 large high obstacles
Large Jumper (10): Jump 20 large ground obstacles
Mano-A-Mano (10): Block 20 duelists
Think Fast! (10): Dodge 10 rider attacks
Trample Mania (10): Jump 20 hoplites
Was That a Fly? (10): Dodge 20 volleys of arrows
Cover Up (25): Unlock all armor
Eat My Dust (25): Outrun 10 riders
Cat and Mouse (50): Survive 5 minutes in Pursuit
Long Day (50): Complete Story mode
Survivor (50): Survive 5 minutes in Survival
Hell and Back (100): Complete hardcore mode
The Spice of Life (100): Unlock all game modes
If you know of anything I missed, or anything that's been updated, please let me know!
March 14 Edit: Dodging the attacks of Riders has been fixed, as has been the medal for doing so 10 times.
It may be worth noting that sometimes when I jump over the large obstacle at the end of the level too early, the level will not end and I have to restart. So I always make sure I wait until the last moment before jumping.
I haven't encountered that particular bug, so I can't confirm it, but you may want to get in touch with the game's creator to make sure he knows and can look in to it.